Synod Logo

Società Unita

Contact Information:
1775 Islington Ave.
M9P 3N2
(416) 243-7319
Seminarian/lay person Joe Colalillo


Known As:
The United Society ( The Mission)

Mission Statement:
Following the Passionist Charism, we endeavour to promote Peace, Love and Unity according to the gospel and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. We promote religious and social activities for the spiritual and moral growth of our families and society, and give assistance to the needy.

Advocacy and Promotion - Pro Life
Advocacy and Promotion - Social Justice
Advocacy and Promotion - Vocations
Education & Formation - Family Life Programs (Marriage Enrichment, Singles, Engaged, Separated)
Other - Radio Teopoli, Catholic media - promoting catholic teaching.
Outreach - Elderly
Outreach - Poor / Homeless
Outreach - Special Needs
Outreach - Youth and Children
Prayer and Spirituality - Conferences and Workshops
Prayer and Spirituality - Marian
Prayer and Spirituality - Retreat Experiences
Prayer and Spirituality - Teopoli - is a catholic spiritual center offering retreats, pilgrimages and programs for children, youth and adults.