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Secular Franciscan Order - Trillium Region Order of Secular Franciscans

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Known As:
Trillium Region Order of Secular Franciscans

Mission Statement:
The Secular Franciscan Order belongs to the Franciscan Family and its “members, moved by the Holy Spirit, commit themselves through profession to live the Gospel after the manner of St. Francis in their secular state following the Rule approved by the Church" (Const. 1,3). "The rule and life of the Secular Franciscans is this: to observe the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by following the example of Saint Francis of Assisi, who made Christ the inspiration and the center of his life with God and people. ( Rule Article 4). There are 24 fraternities in Ontario. For more information please see our website (

Advocacy and Promotion - Ecumenism
Advocacy and Promotion - Pro Life
Advocacy and Promotion - Social Justice
Advocacy and Promotion - Vocations
Other - Franciscan poverty, humility and peace
Outreach - Elderly
Outreach - Immigrants & Refugees
Outreach - Poor / Homeless
Outreach - Sick / Homebound
Outreach - Special Needs
Outreach - Youth and Children
Prayer and Spirituality - Conferences and Workshops
Prayer and Spirituality - Retreat Experiences