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The Rosary Apostolate, Inc.

Contact Information:
1208 Warden Ave.
M1R 2R3
(416) 701-0678
Sister Marilina Cinelli


Known As:
Rosary Apostolate,Inc.

Mission Statement:
The Rosary Apostolate, Inc. is an apostolate of evangelization through prayer which began in the schools and later extended to the Families and the forming of Parish Prayer groups. VOLUNTEERS OF THE ROSARY APOSTOLATE, INC. All our volunteers undergo a 10-step screening process as mandated by the Province of Ontario for volunteer organizations.  This includes a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) from the local police stations.  Prior to visiting schools, volunteers undergo training and orientation to give professional presentations of the Rosary in the schools.  ROSARY APOSTOLATE IN THE SCHOOLS PROGRAM The Rosary Apostolate in the Schools Program was given birth in the Toronto Catholic District School Board as a Jubilee project in 1997.  Sr. Marilina Cinelli, along with a group of retired teachers, responded to the request from teachers and/or principals to pray the Rosary with individual classrooms. SCHOOL BOARDS - The Rosary Apostolate, Inc., seeks to establish a good working relationship with participating school boards.  Annually, we submit Rosary presentations for review and approval, prior to giving them to volunteers.  We ask each school board to ensure our rosary presentations are curriculum-based, age-appropriate, and non-offensive, and at the same time, spiritually inspiring for children. PARISH BASED - The Rosary Apostolate in the Schools is a parish based organization. Volunteers serve their parish schools and only with the principal's approval. PARTNERS IN FAITH - The Rosary Apostolate, Inc. is a committed partner-in-faith.  Our ministry is a solid connection between the parish, community, and parish schools. ROSARY APOSTOLATE IN THE FAMILIES PROGRAM The Rosary is a powerful prayer which binds families in unity and keeps the light of faith burning in days of darkness. It gives families hope in times of despair and makes their love for one another more firm and unbreakable. Our Goal: To reach as many families as possible. To bear witness to the power of the Rosary and to encourage families to become “families that pray together.” To consecrate every family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Family visits are usually at 7:00 p.m. in the evening. This gives volunteers who work full-time the opportunity to serve Our Lady in leading families to holiness of life. Visits last for one hour and volunteers are free to make their own schedules. Training and screening will be provided. ROSARY APOSTOLATE IN THE PARISH PROGRAM The Rosary Apostolate in the Parish began as a follow-up to our School Program by inviting the students we pray with at our schools, to join the Parish Prayer Group. Volunteers will be given the opportunity to bear witness to your faith by forming Parish Prayer Groups called "Children of the Immaculate Heart of Mary" for children (ages 6-12) and/or youth (ages 13-18).  They will learn how to love Jesus with the Heart of Mary by praying the Rosary and by placing them in the Immaculate Heart of Mary through and Act of Consecration. Training, materials will be provided.

Outreach - Youth and Children
Prayer and Spirituality - evangelization through prayer of Rosary, in the School, in Families, in Parishes
Prayer and Spirituality - Marian